I hope winter training is going well.
The race season is almost upon us.
First Race Dates:
-Triathlon 3 Jun Navy Triathlon, Shearwater;
-Run NS-14 Apr, Halifax; and
-Cycle NS-TBD
We are looking to put together a comprehensive list of events in which our members are participating. This way, we can co-ordinate transportation between interested members, and request base transportation for events with high participation from the club. Also, if you have a particular race that you are working towards, we can help support you in your goals.
If you are interested, please send in a list of events that you plan on participating in this season. This will help us with our planning and resource allocation, as well as enable us to connect members who are participating in the same event.
Finally as a reminder, the club is registered for the Rum Runner's Relay in September and we are looking to put together a team. There are 10 spaces for runners available, and an unlimited number of supporters and cheer-ers (there is even a prize for the team with the best/most entertaining support crew!). If you are interested in participating in any capacity, please let us know as soon as possible. If there are more interested runners than spaces, we will select the race team from those interested.
We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you at training!